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When using the Discovery module you are required enter the "source". You click on "Search for Individual" (You are not allowed to search for a COI, only individual, I think you should have that option), If that individual is not in the rolodex you can add this person. When adding this person there is no option to add their role in the case (because you are in the rolodex) but there is an option to enter notes about this individual. The discovery module now auto adds this individual in the case.

Now you are in the POI. You may now want to edit this individual by adding a role or adding to the notes. Problem is the notes you typed about this individual are not visible in the POI. So you click on the edit button and you can see your notes and you can see the role for this individual in the case, You hit save and now you should see the info on the poi page. It is not there.! Try as you might no info can be added or edited to the individual you added from the discovery module. 

You will have to avoid entering an individual from the discovery module if you ever want to have any hope of being able to edit the individual.

Can this be fixed?

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