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I think it would be great for us as business owners/investigators and our client to be able to log in and see some information relevant to their case.

I have tried this by creating a guest account for the client, but the information available to the guest account is very limited.

Perhaps there could be a client security level or profile that would allow the client to see the following at a minimum.

1. Retainer paid or budget allocated
2. The balance of retainer or budget remaining
3. Case notes
4. Uploaded documents and reports
5. Status of case
6. The assigned investigator with their contact information

What do you think...possible?


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Yes ... I think we're going to have to create a super class for guest users.  As, I'm not sure this will be for everyone.  

with your list ... 

1. Retainer paid or budget allocated 

Does the budget information in the upper left hand column work?

2. The balance of retainer or budget remaining

Same as 1 above
3. Case notes

Will they be able to add/edit time slips or just view the list?

4. Uploaded documents and reports

This indicates access to xdocs ... is that what you meant?
5. Status of case

?? case closed, open ...  please expand
6. The assigned investigator with their contact information

I am assuming you want the POI available to the guest user ... 

Bottom line here ... what actions of adding or editing any records do you think makes since for a Guest Users. 

1. Budget info on LHS works for me
2. I think just view, unless someone else has an opinion
3. Same as above
4. Yes access to XDOCS

I guess remove request 5 and 6 unless someone else has an opinion. Also
I would not want a client (Guest Uses) editing any records.

My thought process is to allow the client to check various aspects of
the case so that it cuts down on calls from the client.

I did use PI DirectLink, now CROSStrax, for a while some time ago and
they had this feature which worked very well and the clients liked it.
If you want to sneak a peek they have a free trial. But CaseWorks far
surpasses them on features etc.

Thanks Roy


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I'll implement the notification of uploaded documents as well as the leave a message.  I'm going to have the message done via email and memorialize the  same in the case notes/timeslips.

The problem with creating a generic guest user client is that in order to make this work.  You must tell Case Works which cases the client will have access to. You will have to create an user for each guest you want to gain access to Case Works.

Rick Crouch posted:
I like both of those because it save from emailing attachments. But can
we get notified when a client uploads a document. Also is there an
easier way to make a client a guest user other than creating a guest
user for every client?

So, Guest Users can now upload documents to Case Works.  And,  when completed, you will receive an email indicating which guest users uploaded a document as well as the name of the document.  This is memorialized via case notes, just like other items that are recorded, sending invoice etc.  

Rick Crouch posted:
Client feed back on the client login is positive. They like the new
additions. Some of the feedback is that they would like to see, edit and
add POI and COI related to their cases and perhaps see expenses.... What
do you think?


Boy that's your call if you want your clients to be able to add and edit in the POI/COI.  I'm not sure I would want a guest user playing in my data set.  I think the only way i would permit is allowing them to add without the ability to delete or edit. 

You might want to experiment with Non-guest user and make them  data entry financial info visible.

What do others think .... Access by guest user to COI, POI, Expenses

They see the expenses in the upper left hand corner.  Possibly re COI and POI view only.


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Rick, check these capabilities.  Guest users can now get to time slips, POI, COI, XDOCS.  The only place where the user can do any adding is in the XDOCS location. 

Case work now allows the guest user to send you a message, via email, and it's recorded in the case notes as a nocharge item.

When the guest user lands on working cases, this is the navbar they will see on the left hand side


When the user hits the message button, Case Works will auto fill in the case they are working on as well as tell you from what screen they are coming from. Now the users can delete this information, but none-the-less, the information is there.


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