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Hi Roy

Is there any way to mark a case note/time slip as "For Internal Use Only" so that it does not show if the client logs in to the case, or on any case notes/time slip report printed for the client, or on the invoice?

Sometimes there are notes that we need that are only for investigators and should not be seen by the client.

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Wow ... that's a lot.  The issue, as I see it, your using the work notes to contain information that you don't want your Guest User to be able to see.

My initial reaction is not to use the time slip/case notes to record confidential information that you don't want to share with client.

Instead of hooking this to a time slip case note, I believe a running log, that is attached to the case, is where best to store.  That way, there is no chance of having the confidential comingled with reportable information.

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